Form Builder

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Welcome to the Planning Department!

This form has been provided to give you space to outline your questions and set up a time to meet with planning staff. Please be sure to attach as much detail about your request as possible, which may include a sketch, map, or a survey. Early consultation on planning applications helps streamline the approval process, facilitate the exchange of information and provide feedback on development proposals before a formal application process begins.

Any comments produced by the Planning Department as a result of the information provided in this form are preliminary and are not to be taken as a formal opinion of Planning Staff or a decision of any kind. Participating in the pre-application process does not authorize the initiation of any construction or preparatory work on site, including the clearing of trees, vegetation or any site alteration.

Depending on the request type, there may be a fee associated. Staff will advise you of this prior to setting up a meeting. Please see the planning fees for more information.

Planning staff will review your request and respond to you within 10 working days.

Notice of Collection – Personal information collected as a result of this application is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Planning Act, and all other relevant legislation, and will be used to assist in making a decision on this matter. All personal information (as defined by MFIPPA), including (but not limited to) names, addresses, opinions and comments collected will be made available for public disclosure to members of the public, at a meeting, through requests, and through the website of the Township of Central Frontenac. Questions regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of this personal information should be forwarded to the Clerk’s Department.

I read and understand the above statements

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